Below is a listing of courses offered in upcoming online undergraduate and graduate 研究条件.
*Note: course listing and availability is subject to change
本科阶段的学习 - $400 per credit
- 会计原理1
- AC354个人所得税
- BI235 Human 健康 and Nutrition
- CJ101 Crime and Justice in America
- COMM234电影类型
- EMSP300 领导 and Decision Making
- EMSP302健康信息
- ET102 Principles of Microeconomics
- 金融中的问题
- GLE103 Career Image, Planning, and Management
- GLE110第一年作文
- GLE220 America's Themes and Dreams
- HCA315流行病学
- HCA350 健康care System Management and Quality
- HU211死亡 & 死亡
- MK201市场营销原理
- MK317 Logistics Supply Chain Management
- MN201管理原则
- MN321组织行为学
- MN360 Communication Skills for Managers
- MU150音乐基础
- NR200 Introduction to Holistic 健康
- NR300 Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing
- NR445 Community 健康 Nursing: Individual and Family Client
- NR490 领导 in Professional Nursing Practice, Seminar & 项目
- PL101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies
- PL102 法律 Analysis, Research and Writing
- PO201美国政府
- PS234人类成长 & 发展
- PS261 Research Methods in Psychology
- PUBH101 Introduction to Public 健康 & 医疗服务
- 社会学概论
- AC102 Principles of Accounting II
- BA471 Business Strategy and Ethics
- CJ203少年司法
- 公众演讲
- EMSP301 EMS规划 & 发展
- ES108自然与文化
- ET101 Principles of Macroeconomics
- FA183艺术史
- GLE215重生为革命
- GLE230二年级作文
- HCA201 Intro to 健康care Administration
- HCA360医疗伦理、政策 & 法律
- HS201美国历史到1812年战争
- HU211死亡 & 死亡
- HU220创建家庭
- MK350电子商务
- MK474 Marketing Management for a Green Economy
- MN314人力资源管理
- 公共管理
- MN365生产 & 运营管理
- NR200 Introduction to Holistic 健康
- NR330临床决策
- NR400 健康 Policy and the Role of the Professional Nurse
- NR420 健康 Promotion Across the Lifespan
- NR446 Community 健康 Nursing: Groups and Populations
- PL103侵权行为法
- PL104遗嘱执行法
- PS260 Statistics for Behavioral Science
- 社会心理学
- PUBH202 Introduction to Global 健康
- 会计原理1
- 公众演讲
- ET101 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ET102 Principles of Microeconomics
- FA180艺术基础
- GLE103 Career Image, Planning and Management
- GLE200 The 20th Century: A Global Approach
- HU211死亡 & 死亡
- HU220创建家庭
- MN201管理原则
- MN360 Communication Skills for Managers
- MU150音乐基础
- NR200 Introduction to Holistic 健康
- PS101 Introduction to Psychology
- PS215健康心理学
- SO225 Social Science Computer Skills
研究生学习 - $665 per credit
- AC565 Ethics and the Accounting ProfessionalAC640 Accounting Information Systems
- AC670当代 & 新出现的会计问题
- ED501 Graduate Teacher Ed Program Orientation
- ED506教育心理学
- ED508 Introduction to Assessment
- ED545 Effective Consultation and Communication
- ED585学生研究顶点
- GM510领导力研讨会
- GM535管理沟通
- GM540组织行为学
- GM541管理会计
- GM542定量 and 研究技术 for Leaders
- 人力资源管理
- GM596 Quality Improvement in 健康 Care
- GM625劳动关系 & 就业法
- GM691 Strategic Management Seminar
- NR520 健康 Policy and Population 健康 Issues
- NR540循证实践
- NR549 Evaluating Learning and Assessing Competence
- NR570策略规划 & 护士项目管理1I
- NR730 Psychology and Mental 健康 Nursing
- NR731 Psychology and Mental 健康 Lab
- NR740 Community 健康 Lecture/Clinical
- SF502 Media and Tech in the Sports Industry
- SOE621 Universal Design for Learning
- AC660 Advanced Financial Statement Analysis
- ED505教学 & 在民主社会中学习
- ED510 Design and Management of the Learning Environment
- ED512特殊教育法
- ED519 Scientific Inquiry and Teaching Methods
- ED526 Best Practices in Secondary Contexts
- GM510领导力研讨会
- GM520法律和道德问题
- GM535管理沟通
- GM540组织行为学
- GM542定量 & 研究技术
- GM543管理经济学
- GM561财务管理
- GM562营销管理
- 人力资源管理
- GM564 运营管理 for Leaders
- GM575 Building a Sustainable Enterprise
- GM594 健康 Care Payment Systems
- NR501 RN-MSN桥梁课程
- NR510 Nursing Science in Practice
- NR530推论统计学
- NR547 Evidence-Based Curriculum Design
- NR580高级病理生理学
- NR700 Fundamental Concepts of Professional Nursing
- NR720 Nursing Management of Complex 健康
- AC530营业税
- AC560 Non-Profit and Government Accounting
- ED506教育心理学
- ED510 Design and Management of the Learning Environment
- ED515初级识字
- ED517 Methods in Teaching Social Studies
- ED540 Assessment and Identification of the Exceptional Learner
- GM510领导力研讨会
- GM520法律和道德问题
- GM535管理沟通
- GM540组织行为学
- GM541管理会计
- GM542定量 & 研究技术
- GM543管理经济学
- GM550业务 & 社会
- GM561财务管理
- GM562营销管理
- GM564 运营管理 for Leaders
- GM565补偿 & 好处
- GM592健康政策
- GM596 Quality Improvement in 健康 Care
- GM691 Strategic Management Seminar
- NR520 健康 Policy and Population 健康 Issues
- NR540循证实践
- NR545临床 & Classroom Teaching Strategies in Nursing
- NR565战略规划 & 护士项目管理1
- NR575高级药理学
- NR710 Nursing Management Across the Lifespan
- NR711 Nursing Management Common 健康 Lab
- SF508设施管理
Please visit our 在线学术目录 for more information on available courses.
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